Blossoming Farmer's Dream: Farming of vegetables in Tangail

Farmers' dream in the vast green fields of Tangail. Grounds are now decorating in the winter with plenty of vegetables. The field scene changed to vegetable cultivation. Evergreen green scenes attract people's attention Small peaks have grown in the footsteps of the peasantry. Got the crop. Farmer's smile is blooming with pepper.

Corruption of the leaves is spreading in air in air Silently the body of the potatoes is fat fresh, below the fertile soil. Farmers' dreams were painted in the fields of different colors. Their love goes out and their care is seen by looking after the cultivated vegetables.

Before the sun's rising through the light mist in the morning, the farmers came running in the heart of the land. All the strengths of the body and the love of the heart of the pet loves to make copies of copies, tomatoes, or to loaf, from the tip of the tip to the tip.

Farmers are busy doing extensive work in the fields, providing weed cleaning, insecticides and nurseries. Many farmers have changed the fate because of weather favorable and modern methods of cultivating winter-colored vegetables.

In addition to the vegetables in the field, many people have built vegetables in the garden, Vegetable bumper yield has been achieved due to diseases of the disease this year. Thousands of farmers dream of a new dream of getting good prices. They sell vegetables to retailers with retailers in the field. These fresh vegetables are being bought by traders from different parts of the country and are being bought in the field. According to the Department of Agricultural Extension of the district, the target of winter vegetable cultivation in nine thousand hectares of land in Tangail district.

In different areas of the district, there are different types of vegetables in the farmer's farm. All of them include Lau, Sim, Barabati, Pachkamara, Brinjal, Sweet Pumpkin, Shrimp, Spinach, Red Spinach, Kamli Spinach, Phericas, Data Spinach, Karla, Coriander leaves, Dors, Pataskar, Patal, Khira, Chichinga, Serisa Spinach, Exotic vegetables are also found in carrots, beans, basil, flower, copper and curd leaves.

Mostafa Karim, a farmer of Panchbikram Hati vegetables of Tangail Sadar upazila, said, "The costs of cultivating winter-winter vegetables cost less. It can be easily benefited. This year, on 2 bigha land, I planted cotton seeds of bhadakapi and cauliflower, ten kathas of bago and lau 1 bigha. "

The same village's cool potato says that compared to other crops, vegetable cultivation is more beneficial. So leave other crops and cultivate vegetables. This year, we have cultivated different types of vegetables in a big field. It cost four thousand taka.

Sabzigulay has been sold at a good price in the market so far. If we did not have vegetables or vegetables from North Bengal, we could sell vegetables and vegetables in our area at a better price. Nazrul said that vegetables are found to be good in the market.

But fertilizers, insecticides, seeds, and transport costs are high. Deputy Director of the Department of Agricultural Extension Abdur Razzak said this year winter vegetables were aimed at nine thousand hectares. Some of the plants have been planted till now, and eight thousand hectares have been produced.

It is expected that production will be more than target level. Farmers are advised to cooperate and help in cultivating winter-colored vegetables. The Agriculture Department is working sincerely to make the farmers modern and technologically dependent, which is the result of marginal farmers.

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